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Once you have written the exam after three trial opportunities...

Once you have written the exam after three trial opportunities

KATHMANDU, NOV 9 - Traffic Management Department driver's license (license) has been brought to the easy rules. Trial wonder who fail to be suitable for this rule is. Since November 1 license for the ride is going to start the test form distribution department after passing the written test 3 times now, once found the opportunity to trial the rule is going to continue. Earlier in the trial after failing to rule again should the instrument was tempted.

Once given the written exam 3 times because now its 9 0 days of receiving the written test ride and the law has been amended. Since the revised law, the experimental test trial licensing Fell 1 months later, the trial would have been the day. Department of Transport Management, said. Once the written test in November, according to Panda tokaraja now 3 times, even after the trial failed to prove yourself an opportunity.
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